About Us

Elevating board work

At Board Enhance, our purpose is to give executive board members the tools they need to meet their goals. Since 2014, our team trained more than 1,500 executives and board members to deliver leadership excellence and foster sustainable growth.

Our Board Diploma Programme provides board members with the theoretical and practical training they need to prepare them for success in the boardroom.

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Board specialists

Board Enhance is made up of a team of board specialists and other experts. Our Board Diploma Programme is taught by leading experts and experienced board members, giving you the real-world training you need to succeed as a board member.

Who are we?

The founder of Board Enhance has been developing leaders and board members since 2014. The concept behind Board Enhance has been developed in Scandinavia by some of the worlds leading board experts. Our purpose is to meet board members’ growing needs to strengthen their skills. Our goal is to ensure that board members are well equipped to do so. Our Board Diploma is a training programme for current and aspiring board members that focuses on practical board work with an emphasis on the areas of finance, strategy and value-creation.

Inspiration for board members

Are you looking for inspiration for your current role as a board member? Follow us on LinkedIn for inspiring and interesting articles.


Philip Bäck
Founder & Managing Partner

Anders Rønnov-Jessen